Yet another rendition of the gun
grabbing circus act plays out as I write. This time, I took a step
back to try to see the forest for the trees.
The view was startling. What did I see?
There is more to all of this than just
gun grabbing. The key is to really think about the statement: "Gun control is not about guns - it is about
control." Control what? Not guns... control YOU. I'm certain
many reading this will want to scream how obvious this is. I agree,
but let me ask you... how easy are you to control? Will confiscating
your guns do the trick? I thought not. The controllers understand
this too.
The fact is we need to look beyond
confiscation. What do you see? Internment camps? Police
uniforms? Jack boots? Of course, these
are all symbols of a tyrannical police state. This is exactly what I
see - not the police state but the tyranny. I can see some of you
reading this shaking their heads, picturing me as some wild-eyed
right-wingnut terrified of the falling sky. Umm, no, I'm not in panic
mode, nor do I fear any of this. I am simply an observer who writes
what he sees unfolding. I may get it right and I may not. Only time
will tell. Meanwhile, shall we consider some of the things bringing
me to this conclusion?
The controllers control. Who are these
“controllers”? I could name some today but tomorrow they might
well be gone, replaced by some other controller. They could be an
elected official, a government employee or someone out of the
limelight altogether – who lurks in those fabled smoke-filled back
rooms. Even if you dismiss this concept entirely, ask yourself,
exactly how many rules, laws and regulations have been repealed or
otherwise diminished in your lifetime? How many rules, laws and
regulations have been enacted that have increased your freedom? Did
anybody ask you? Did you vote for all of those men and women who
enacted these rules? Are you getting my point yet? (I am speaking to
the doubters and hoping the choir is still with me.) We were all born
on a leash and said leash is shortened day by day. The controllers
However total control is thwarted by
those of us who resist or refuse to be controlled. Don't get me
wrong, we only resist or refuse in part. Few, if any, practice total
anarchy. Yet we all have our own subtle and not so subtle ways of
regaining some sort of control. We might cross against traffic or
ignore a speed limit from time to time. Most of the time such micro
revolts are not conscious. Nor are such actions limited to
liberty-minded folks. However some of us sport opinions and
convictions totally contrary to those of the ruling class. We are
armed (one of the aforementioned opinions and/or convictions – the
right to defend ourselves is ours alone and not “granted” by the
controllers.). Such ideas and attitudes threaten the controllers.
They know they cannot posses complete control until we are disarmed
but, as stated previously, they also know removing said arms will not
remove the threat. I am sure they understand that the very act of
removing said arms will endanger the very control they've worked so
hard to obtain and possibly even reap consequences they are horrified
to consider. So, if we were to put ourselves in their place... what
would be the logical solution? Remove the threat. We are the threat.
Our very existence poses a dicey
problem. As we are naturally law-abiding and peaceful, it is not like
the controllers could simply cart off us even if we were unarmed.
Granted many on the fringes hate us but most of the population does
not. In order for the controllers to gain more control they need the
support of the masses. Right now they do not have the support they
need to wipe us deplorables out, thus the constant propaganda
campaigns to turn public opinion against anything we believe in. So
far they've corrupted all of our moral arguments to some extent. In
some areas we are shamed even for having a difference in opinion and
these areas are expanding.
I see at least two avenues of attack.
First, they normalize their own immorality and deviant behavior. As
their behavior becomes the norm, our behavior becomes abnormal. Once
this is fully in effect, they can marginalize us while campaigning to
rid the world of us. We become “The Jewish Problem” of the 21st
Century. While they have made great inroads they are not quite there
yet. This leads to the second avenue of attack: villanizing guns and
gun ownership.
First it was “gun violence” and now
it is simply “guns”. Whether intentional or not, the progression
here is nothing short of propaganda genius. Who can like “gun
violence”? Certainly, any reasonable person will hate it. This
hatred is now being redirected at guns. Even staunch gun rights
proponents are being shamed into giving something to “The Cause.”
Too few of us resist this. Too many have already caved. Whatever the
controllers get, it will never be enough. Even when they have it all,
they will come back for more. The end goal is directing the hatred
towards gun owners. They want the blessing of the public to seek and
destroy anyone who even supports second amendment rights – whether
they own guns or not.
Much has been said already about the
consequences of confiscation. Many predict a bloodbath with the
controllers ending up on the wrong end of things. Point taken,
however timing is everything. So-called “assault weapons” of one
kind or another are already banned in several states. (Remember in
legalese, definitions are everything and the lawmakers determine what
those definitions are.) None of these include everything the
controllers want but it is a start. They will continue to hammer away
until anyone who owns a gun is either on one list or another. At some
point they will start going after those on the lists. Impossible you
say? It is already happening in California. It took a less than week
for police to invoke the newly passed Florida law and start
confiscating guns. Other states either already are, have or are about
to commence confiscations. What lists? How about felons? Other lists
include the mentally disabled, PTSD sufferers, medical marijuana card
holders. What about those accused of domestic violence, traffic
violations or identified as just plain scary? Every single group has
documented cases of confiscations. Every. Single. One. So tell me...
Where is the uproar? Who is fighting
back? Certainly most of not all of these are or were challenged in
the courts. Decisions have landed on both sides. You can rest assured
most decisions will favor the controllers. Whatever happens, do not
expect a law enforcement army to start busting down doors. Things
will not happen that way for a long time. As I said, confiscations
will increase as the lists expand. At some point some team will knock
on the wrong door. What will happen when a cop dies “in the line of
duty”? Will it matter whether law enforcement has little or no
legal ground for the invasion? Probably not. The focus will be on the
dead cop. Photos of his loving family will be splattered all over
television screens. The msm machine will spew out hate in full force.
Authorities will vow to double down, to wipe out this new “domestic
terrorist threat”. Confiscations will not stop, rather they will
increase. Meanwhile the controllers will pull no punches in their
efforts to bully, harass and berate gun owners. They will do
everything possible to make it harder to obtain, keep and use
firearms. They are relentless in their lust for control, they will
not be denied.
Here is a short list of some of their
tactics. Each one is already deployed.
Attack guns as the
culprit while marginalizing gun owners.
increase the type and number of guns banned. Expand banned
Register all
firearms so they may be banned and confiscated in the future. This
may be accomplished via some back door method, such as requiring gun
owners carry insurance on each firearm they own.
Villianize gun
owners in order to sanction confiscation by force.
Attack, harass and
bully gun owners incessantly making it as difficult, expensive and
problematic to own
firearms as possible.
Attack on every
level and in every way possible. Invade their homes, restrict public
access severely restrict where and when and how they can buy, sell,
shoot and/or train.
Pile on
regulations and taxation for anything not outright banned.
Expand the lists
of those banned from owning guns, such as including anyone take
certain prescription medicines such as psychoactive drugs or pain
Those who willingly give up their guns
will soon be put under control. At the very least, they will be added
to a watch list of possible “subversives”. The controllers will
have no qualms about killing anyone who dares resist. I suspect they
would rather kill us now than later. The only thing stopping them is
self-preservation. If they thought for one moment they could disarm
us today they would do it. Some, such as Dianne Feinstein has
already said as much. How much longer before groups of deplorables
are marched into gas chambers?
They have no morals. They are devoid of
anything resembling ethics or empathy. In one respect they are caged
wild animals and we are their fresh meat. From the time I started
writing this essay until now, calls for repealing the Second
Amendment have ramped up. The push is on. Keep in mind this is an old
salesman bait and switch. They “call” for total repeal of the
Second Amendment then they “settle” for a ban on whatever they
can negotiate a ban on. Rinse and repeat.
Look for the propaganda campaign to
continue to intensify. With every win they swing the public mood
towards their goal. This is exactly the reason they took this path –
gun “violence”, guns, gun “owners”. They will soon point out
and fixate on the idea that we are the problem because we refuse to
cooperate – “clinging to our guns”. It is not the guns they
want, really, it is control. They essentially control the left and
now they are coming for us.