For the record – I can't stand the
song “Send in the Clowns” but the phrase is too appropriate here
to ignore. - Towser
As the “fake news/hacking” chaos
hits hysterical heights – those of us simply watching the parade
are left to wonder what it is all about. It seems we are supposed to
just “trust the experts” that Russia was involved and they tried
to influence the presidential elections so voters would favor Trump
over Clinton. Now that Trump has been “briefed” his position, at
this point, seems to be that while the Russians did not influence the
outcome, we must try to prevent future hacks. Here's what I can tell
you right here, right now that will make instant sense to you:
None of these idiots know what they are
talking about.
At least nobody I have heard. Certainly
there are a few experts speaking intelligently about certain slivers
of this pie but overall it is mass confusion. And this is exactly
what those controlling the media are trying to accomplish. And that
is why they sent in the clowns. Some of you might be thinking my
point here is all fine and good but can I PROVE anything? Well, yes,
yes I can. All we need to do is look at what the media clowns are
saying and consider what they are NOT saying.
First, what is the media actually
saying? This is your first clue. Taken as a group, they are not all
that coherent. Compare this topic to, say, the recent airport
shooting in Florida. Turn to any station and you will here
essentially the same story. Yes, every outlet will color the story in
their unique way. Some details may be offered on some and not on
others. But the basis of what happened is reasonably consistent
across the board. And now about those Russians. They are mostly all
saying the Russians hacked the DNC and Posdesta and they “tried to
influence” the election using “fake news” and “propaganda”.
Again, depending on where you look, you'll pick up some fine points
here or there but what I've outlined here covers the gist of things
thus far. Notice anything missing right off the bat?
There is no “story”. Look all you
want. There are accusations. There are “facts” i.e. the DNC and
Posdesta email account WAS hacked but there is no account whatsoever
detailing what actually happened. Now the “Intelligence Community”
is hiding behind their cloak of secrecy by saying they cannot tell us
how they know what they know or how they know it lest they reveal
their methods to the enemy. You know what? I understand that much. I
don't much care about the methods – the “how”. All I want to
know is the “what”. And this is where the whole circus act falls
You see, something dawned on me while I
was watching one “news” segment or another. WHAT FAKE NEWS?
(Okay, sure call me slow why don't ya?) Or should I say WHICH fake
news? Can someone please tell me, show me, or clue me in on EXACTLY
what “FAKE NEWS STORIES” the Russians used to influence the
elections? Surely our friends in “intelligence” can tell us that
much... can't they? I wonder if the problem is that if they start
detailing the “fake news” the Russians released, they might have
to distinguish this from the fake news put out by the CIA, FBI, ATF,
NSA, the Labor Department, the Department of Commerce, the White
House, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, etc. and so
on. It might be easier to just give us a list of the real news
stories out there... if there are any to be found. Could there be
propaganda invented by the Russians to try to influence the
elections? Of course it is possible, maybe even likely but where is
it? Unless you are blind you can easily see that there are so many
false and misleading “news stories” put out EVERY DAY one needs a
score card to determine who the players are and what positions they
are playing at the moment. And then there are the documented false
flag operations, the propaganda campaigns and the pure fantasy “facts
and figures” produced by our own government and others. The
Russians? Seriously? Their propaganda machine is nothing compared to
our own.
Enter the drama queen. Obama acts the
drama queen standing at his podium and whining about the Russians
attempting to influence our elections. Did anyone dare ask him about
confirmed reports the he tried to influence the Israeli elections?
What about Hillary's efforts to out Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi?
Or Obama's openly supporting Egyptian elections or his attempts to
out Syria's Bashar al-Assad? The list goes on and on. Hacking? Did
the Obama censure the CIA for spying on the United States Senate? Not
only was this a blatant attack on one branch of government by another
but the CIA is forbidden from operating on US soil – PERIOD. Obama
had complete control over this situation and yet he remained mum. How
can anyone take this guy seriously? And yet 99% of the media reports
every word that emits from his lying lips as if it was an oracle from
God Himself. And the masses lap up this drivel. Amazing.
Now for the second act – hacking and
cybersecurity. It must be time for the stand-up comedians.
Let's look at Podesta first. While the
access gained to Podesta's email account technically could have
pulled off by a 14 year-old, s/he would have likely have been an
exceptional teenager. However Assange's statement does make a point
about the world of “hacking”. Please note my own background in
this world is I read a book or two years ago, one non-fiction and
maybe a few other fictional stories with hacking themes or extensive
allusions. Nothing I read could be considered a “how to” so my
actual knowledge is minimal. With that disclaimer I have been a
victim of hacking and I've had some exposure to computer security due
to my involvement in the computer industry. I can tell you there are
people out there – some referred to as “script kiddies” that
actively try to access web sites and email accounts. The “script
kiddies” refers not so much to age as abilities, however most
involved in this sort of activity seem to be younger people looking
for tickles and grins. They seek out or stumble across hacking sites
and download all sorts of malware designed to cause trouble. They are
not programmers, or at least they are not often learned enough to
write these programs but they can and do download and run them. It is
not all that hard. (I know because I download and run non-harmful
scripts for sights I operated – the principles are the same only
the intent and outcome differs.) Thus it would not be all that
difficult to set up a page to capture passwords and send a link to
just about anyone. Does this mean the Russians did not pull such a
stunt on John Podesta? No. But it does widen the playing field
significantly. But the worst news is this: all the cyberscurity in
the world will not prevent such an attempt if the guy with the
password is clueless. Now from the one non-fiction book I did read, I
did learn that the most common and successful method of hacking is
called “social engineering”. That is a fancy word meaning someone
conned the information out of someone else. Not only does it NOT take
a programming savant to do this, I'd say such a “hack” would
often be better performed by those less nerdy as nerds are notorious
for their lack of “people skills”. Note this is simply a tendency
and not always the case. I have met many very sharp computer “nerds”
who were also extremely personable.
Now what about the DNC hack? Some say
it was an inside job. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I don't know at
this point. What I do know is the release of these emails doesn't fit
my definition of propaganda. The fact is they didn't surprise me much
at all. What the emails did reveal is how much the main stream media
was in bed with the Hillary campaign. Surprising? No. Illuminating?
Certainly. Again, judging from the seemingly unending hacks and
attacks at so many sites – Yahoo, banks, utilities (real hacks not
the fake one recently reported by the Washington Post.) and so on,
the Russians are the only players in this game. None of this is new
or news. It happens all the time – so much so we would all likely
be shaken if we knew the actual frequency. Individuals, corporations,
governments and other criminal organizations (Oops! Did I say that?)
are constantly at work trying to hack just about everything they can.
If you have a small website, you needn't worry to much because these
guys are after bigger fish. Cybersecurity is an ongoing battle. There
is nothing new here. As one friend and security expert put once put
it “The only way to secure a computer for certain is to dig a 10
foot hole in your back yard, smash your computer to pieces and drop
them in the hole. Fill the hole with concrete and hope for the best.”
Maybe if one were to dig 10,000 10 foot holes, this could be improved
upon but not by much. The bottom line is, anyone who thinks anything
online is secure is a fool. But there is something more insidious
going on here.
The first thing you should know, if you
don't already, is the powers at be do not want you to be secure. They
HATE security and privacy – passionately. So besides all the
huffing and puffing about security, beyond the fact that a virtual
army of people are bent on breaching your innermost secrets, these
same intelligence operatives make every effort to include some sort
of “back door” access to just about any security solution out
there. Forget the fact that this practice automatically corrupts any
security in place by its very nature. Even if “only” someone in
government has access, your security is at the mercy of their whims.
The end all of this is any semblance of “security” is a joke on
us. Smoke and mirrors if you will or to quote Pogo... “we have met
the enemy and they are us.”
If that is not bad enough, do not
forget our own government is bent on feeding us endless propaganda.
In the words of CIA Director William Casey "We'll know our
disinformation program is complete when everything the American
public believes is false." Do you really think things have
improved since Casey's reign? Recently I had a laugh when someone
labeled the CIA “professional liars”. I laughed more at the irony
than the truth the statement evokes. What is the goal of all of this?
Chaos and the determined development of
a pliable populace. They want to keep us proles dazed and confused...
so they can manipulate us with ease. Sadly they are very good at it.
If you've read my other posts, you already know the globalists'
ultimate goal is world domination via a one-world government. To
accomplish this they need all nations to abdicate their sovereignty
and submit to a world government. The United States of America is the
biggest hurdle – the brass ring. If we fall the nations of the
world will fall in line. (Some nations such as Russia and China will
maintain a semblance of sovereignty but this will be mere lip
service.) What will it take for America to fall? First , the people
must be totally subjected to the federal government. This phase is
almost complete but the plan is plagued by those pesky liberty lovers
who still cling to their guns, bibles and the constitution. Many
people no longer rivet their attention to the globalist controlled
mainstream media – they get news from places like The Drudge
Report, World Net Daily and all the others. They must be stopped.
Once the free press is under control, free speech will be totally
smothered next. Once citizens can only access approved news and
dissent is no longer tolerated, they will do what they are told. Soon
they will see the foolishness of this myth of sovereignty and welcome
open borders and the security and stability of a truly central
congress has passed a bill essentially authorizing a “ministry of
truth”. It is the NDAA 2017 that opens the door for a government
funded, government sanctified quasi-public agency to spew out
official government “truth”. Note you will have to dig a bit to
uncover this because congress buried what they did deep into the
bill. Why? Because if they were up front about all of this people
would be outraged... maybe. I wonder about this because the mechanism
used for this had been in place for decades. It is a core component
of the US of A's propaganda machine used to influence the world.
Propaganda? You say? Yes, propaganda. For decades we've openly
admitted our government seeks to influence people in other nations.
What does it say to you when I mention that WHAT our government says
to other nations was, up until now, forbidden to be revealed to US
citizens? This information was eventually allowed to be released to
the US public 12 years after the rest of the world was exposed to it.
What kind of information? I don't know at this point because I only
just learned about all this myself. I can only surmise the
information was littered with lies and half-truths because if it was
all true – why keep it from us? And yet some find it acceptable,
even reasonable for our government to lie to people of other nations
while some of those see no problem with lying to us. The fact is
we've been lied to all along. Now the lies are being fed steroids.
All of this is contrived to further the
globalists' ultimate goal of a one-world government. Once again, my
goal is to point out some of the warning signs for you to see. They
are all around us and they are all pointing to the same end game. I
would have to quit my job and devote all of my time to this in order
to try to point them all out to you. At this point that is not an
option so I urge you to investigate on your own. Where can you look?
EVERYWHERE! Look anywhere. Simply open your eyes and ask yourself if
what you see promotes a one-world government agenda. I'll start you
out by naming a few: Climate change, open-borders,illegal
immigration, LGBT, zoning, Agenda 21, gun control – the list goes
on and on. Ask yourself – who is promoting liberty? Who is
promoting sovereignty? These represent the antithesis of globalism.
Please note you will find some advocating all kinds of strategies to
circumvent this from political action to outright revolution. Also
note that I know of NO ONE on the right instigating violence or
advising anyone to do so. As for me, I do not believe anything will
prevent what is coming. Thus I urge those of you who have not
accepted Jesus the Messiah as your Lord and Savior to do so now –
or at least begin a quest for the truth. I am convinced the truth
will lead you directly to Jesus. If you have already accepted Jesus
as Lord, then I urge you to ask God for guidance as to what to do
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